Thursday, August 8, 2013

Exercise Envy

One of the most difficult parts of this journey for me has been losing the activities I loved. As mentioned in an earlier post, I am very grateful for discovering swimming, but at the same time, my heart has a small ping every time I pass a runner on the street. Try as I might, I have not found anything that compares to the rush of completing a long run outside. I see other individuals running in the sunshine and I would give anything to be them, for exercise to be as simple as lacing up my shoes again.

Accordingly, over the past two years, I have discovered Facebook envy. It takes only one person's post about their 3 mile run or recent cross fit adventure to strike up my jealous card. I am ashamed to admit that I have hidden many friends' posts from view because I simply couldn't stand to read about their newest fitness endeavors. Instead of being proud of them for getting into shape, I find myself hating their ability to do the things I can't.

It's so easy to spend time focusing on the losses. But if I am honest with myself, there were days when I positively hated running. I would be ½ mile into a long run and not know how I would complete it. It's hard to remember this, as my mind has somewhat glorified running.

I have had several doctors tell me that I will run again. At first, this gave me hope. But now, it is just painful to hear as that point is still not in sight. So for now, I will keep waiting and just be grateful that this year's marathon season has finally ended J.